Our Innovative Approach

Minimally Invasive Innovation Inspired by Our Patients

Inspired Spine Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Hamid R. Abbasi, MD, Ph.D., FACS, FAANS, is a board-certified neurosurgeon and an internationally recognized expert in minimally invasive spinal surgery. He believes the risks and damage of traditional open surgery often outweigh the benefits to patients.

Traditional surgery treats the underlying pathology (the spinal defect or disease that is causing back or neck pain) by making deep incisions through healthy back muscle and the surrounding tissue, often causing irreparable damage and unsightly scarring. However, so-called Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) usually is not much better. In fact, MIS is better described AS “mini-access” or “mini-open.” The incision is smaller, but the process is still the same because it involves cutting through the natural, healthy structures of the back and spine. There is still destruction, just less of it.

The Quest for Better Back Surgery

Dr. Abbasi realized that continuing to make surgical incisions smaller and smaller would only advance minimally invasive spinal care so far – it was time for a massive overhaul in the realm of spine surgery. This overhaul had already been made in other areas of surgical practice, such as cardiac and gastrointestinal procedures. This overhaul minimizes the use of direct visualization of the affected area and primarily uses fluoroscopic guidance, (real-time imaging of the procedure, to direct the surgeon).

Fluoroscopic guidance can be compared to a pilot “flying by instruments.” Like a pilot trying to navigate in heavy fog, the instruments are often more accurate than direct eyesight. Epidural spinal injections have long been safely and effectively performed with fluoroscopic guidance because of its accuracy.

Fluoroscopic guidance was the quantum leap that led to the groundbreaking advances in the minimally invasive spine surgeries provided by Inspired Spine today. It meant that we could significantly reduce the surgical approach or “path” to the diseased area of the spine, such as a herniated disc. By minimizing that path, we greatly reduce the damage to the body, so it can recover faster and produce better outcomes for our patients.

Backed by 20+ Years of Research

Dr. Abbasi has dedicated the last 20 years to researching and perfecting Inspired Spine’s advanced fluoroscopic minimally invasive spinal surgery procedures. His aim has been to improve results not merely 10% to 15%, but by 100% or more. His work has made him one of the leading authorities in minimally invasive treatments of the spine and one of the most experienced surgeons performing the revolutionary OLLIF (Oblique Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion) procedure.

Thousands of Inspired Spine’s satisfied patients attest to the safety and effectiveness of our advanced MIS technology. Inspired Spine has truly found the key to making back pain treatment easier for patients.

However, what’s easy for patients can be difficult for surgeons. To make advanced fluoroscopic minimally invasive spine surgery the new standard of care, Dr. Abbasi and Inspired Spine have developed a rigorous training program for Inspired Spine surgeons and partners.

See Our Treatments

Inspired Spine has developed advanced minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques that allow us to treat even complex spinal conditions without the drawbacks of traditional open back surgery.

Are You a
Candidate for
MIS Spinal

Is neck or back pain restricting your daily activities? For 6 months or more? Have non-surgical treatments failed to help?

“I Live a Whole
Different Life.”

Over 1,000 patients have benefited from Inspired Spine MIS Surgeries. See testimonials from just a few.

Spinal Surgery

Not all MIS Spine Surgeries are Created Equal.